Street UK
An online response ethical loan platform
A few details
StreetUK with St Martin’s Affordable Finance wanted to launch a new online service to extend StreetUK’s existing ethical loan offerings.
The website needed to be fully responsive, meaning that the site will be optimised for a mobile, tablet and desktop browsing experience.
The website should enable users to apply for a new loan online, through the use of a number of budgetary tools, and within certain criteria, loan application responses should be delivered as soon as possible to the end user. Furthermore the website will require a number of tools and content areas focused on delivering the additional social impact tools, these tools will include things like money saving tips and tricks, FAQs and listings of businesses and organisations who can help and advise users with financial issues or concerns.
How we solved it
Lyfthelm proposed a n-tier solution to provide StreetOnline. The top tier (user interface or web pages) should be separated from the Application tier, where the business logic will sit.
An additional security layer (LES – Encryption Server) will be included. No data is stored in the LES system, nor is any data stored within the StreetOnline website/user interface. The LES System will only communicate with the StreetOnline Application Server. Security for connections to the StreetOnline Website are handled as follows; all connections are run over HTTPS, furthermore when a user initially connects a one time encryption key is negotiated between the website and the LES System server for the duration of the session.